Indian Hermeneutics of Suspicion

Indian Hermeneutics of Suspicion is a collection of papers taking a critical look at science, environment, media and culture, among other areas of social life. The volume also presents a host of leading thinkers – Ambedkar, Mahatma Gandhi, J. Krishnamurthy, Sree Narayana Guru, Osho Rajneesh, Asghar Ali Engineer and others – whose critical perspectives on many issues affecting Indian society led to social transformation. They seem to have practiced a kind of “prophetic suspicion” which fostered integral social wellbeing, enabling people to build bridges across borders rather than favour sectarian outlooks and strategies. We wish that this volume will encourage its readers to commit themselves to “prophetic suspicion”, for the betterment of local communities, the nation, and the larger human family.

Pages: 302

Price: Rs 1250 (Hard bound)

ISBN: 978-93-5148-293-2

Publishers: Christian World Imprints, New Delhi, India, 2018

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